Knowing where to look for data, contests, conferences, and other great resources can be difficult! Here, we are trying to centralize resources to offer as a springboard for your own journey within the realm of Sports Data Science and Analytics!

Project Resources
Baseball, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Soccer, and many more
Men's and Women's Sports
R and Python
MLB data
baseballR in SportsDataverse offers same access for those who prefer R
Offers access to a large volume of datasets (sports and non-sports related)
Dom Samangy's Guide to Sports Analytics​
500+ tutorials, 250+ data sources, 125+ accounts to follow, 50 books, 40 cheat sheets, 40 papers & more (taken from Dom's tweet sharing this excellent resource)
Feel free to reach out and share resources!

Data Contests
There are many contests that allow for students and professionals alike to compete for prizes and opportunities to present in front of league and team officials. Many winners of these events go on to work professionally in sports.
NFL Big Data Bowl (Football)
Normally launched in the fall (October/November) and closes in early January
Big Data Cup​ (Hockey)
Data released in March
Big Data Derby (Horse Racing)​
SMT's Data Challenge​​
- ​Link​
- UConn Sports Analytics Symposium
What else am I missing? Send it my way!
Network! Present! Learn! Here are some conferences where you can do all three of these things!
SABR Analytics Conference​
Typically held in March​
Women's Hockey Analytics Conference (WHKYHAC)​
Typically held in July​
Women in Sports Data​
First occurrence was in August 2022​
Baseball research​
Typically held in August
The Cascadia Symposium of Statistics in Sports​
Typically held in September​
New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports​
Held every two years​ in September
​Carnegie Mellon Sports Analytics Conference​
Typically held in October​
UConn Sports Analytics Symposium​
Typically held in October​
What else am I missing? Let me know so that it can be posted here.

Accounts to Follow
There are so many great Twitter accounts to follow. Here are a few that I think are worth paying attention to:
Saiem is the creator of the SportsDataverse​ and is a leader within the public facing Sports Data Science and Analytics space
Tej produces great NFL football content and he's made YouTube videos that teach how to begin coding in R with NFL data​
An created Shot-Plotter, is constantly creating exciting visualizations, and is an all around great advocate for Women's Hockey data initiatives​
Carlie does brilliant work and is a fast riser in the world of Women's Hockey Data Science​
Ben created the fastRhockey package and is also a leader in the public Women's Hockey Data Science space​
Ben is the creator of @GrindingMocks and is an excellent advocate within the Sports Data and Analytics space​
@CFBNumbers ​
Jason provides excellent advanced analysis for College Football​​
Billy is a major contributor to developing packages in R for Olympic data and Women's Basketball data​
Brendan consistently shares out resources for where to find sports data​
Ben is the creator of the 4th Down Decision Bot and an author of the nflfastR package​
Sebastian is the creator of nflfastR, Open Source Football, and nflseedR​
Robert is an excellent resource for learning how to code and work with baseball data in R. Check out his YouTube channel.​
I can't list everyone here, but don't hesitate to send good Twitter accounts to follow our way!